Friends of New Forest Plantation (the Friends) was established by the creation of a constitution in June 2023

Under the terms of that constitution (which governs the way the Friends operate) the Friends hold regular meetings to:

  • Promote and protect the interests of the residents of New Forest Village

  • Represent decisions of the residents group to various agencies / bodies delivering services to the Plantation and Parks, namely Leeds City Council

  • Facilitate residents’ participation in the decision-making processes that affects them

Please get in touch if there is anything you would like to raise at these meetings. The Friends are happy to do so on your behalf, but strongly encourage you to attend yourself.

In order to run events, as a constituted group, the Friends are able to apply for funding from various sources reserved for community projects. They do, however, rely heavily on the generosity of volunteers, so please do let us know if you would like to get involved in future activities.

 A copy of our Constitution Agreement can be obtained by clicking the link.