Recently Completed Projects

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November 2023 - End of Year Tidy

After Bonfire Night there were quite a few discarded pieces of firework debris on the plantation that the team sought to clear up and make safe for wildlife.   Due to the other recent litter picks and the work of the volunteers in between the formal picks there was a lot less litter around than previous - however they still managed to collect nine full sacks for disposal.

September 2023 - World Clean Up Day

World Cleanup Day unites millions of volunteers, governments and organizations, in 197 countries and territories, to tackle the global mismanaged waste crisis and to help create a new, more sustainable world.

The New Forest Plantation Team organised another of their clean up days - this time to coincide with World Clean Up Day.  Although the turnout was small the achievement was huge, with a fantastic 19 bags of rubbish being cleared from the area by the volunteers.